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CTO position for KIT (

From: Jean H.
Gesendet am: Freitag, 27. Juli 2012, 11:22

Hi all !

In order to bring our 1-year old startup to the next level, we are looking for a CTO with both strong skills on Ruby on Rails, and ability to take part in strategic long-term decisions.

KIT ( is a private geolocation platform for private communities (schools, companies).

Where we are right now

We've launched KIT at INSEAD and are now discussing with major European and US schools, with purpose to build strong references before scaling up.

We are on a good dynamic, with still a few major challenges to tackle of course (scalability / pricing model); our ambition is to make KIT a standard platform for all schools worldwide within 2 years from now.

You can check the screenshots attached if you want to see how it looks like.

Our team

Our team grew progressively in the past year. It is now composed of 4 people (from 3 nationalities French, German and Italian).

We've had the chance to work since the beginning with a very talented technical partner (call it "early stage CTO") (Louis Alban Kim) who delivered a top-notch product that we now need to develop further based on the business needs that we've identified already, and that will evolve as we progressively dig into the market.

Founder 1 : (between Paris and Zurich)

Founder 2 : (Rotterdam)

Partner 1 : (Paris)

Partner 2 : (London)

Why is our technical partner leaving us in these promising times ?

To be 100% transparent, Louis would be a perfect CTO and our relationship was excellent. Naturally we've offered him the position. But he plans to move on the other side of the globe, and needs to cash in now to prepare this move. 

To that end, we've made a deal. This summer, Louis is freelancing halftime, spending the other half on KIT, and he will ensure that our new CTO gets onboard smoothly.

Recommendation front Louis, our technical partner

For having worked closely with Jean, the founder, and the other teammates, since the beginning, I really liked how we worked together, and the business they are building.  The team is strong, they've got the vision and the core product, so raising funds and scaling is at their fingertips.

I strongly recommend them to any CTO that would look for a promising startup, able to take risk in the first months (until they raise money) and well on track. I've mostly worked with Jean on a daily basis : he is smart and responsive. Trusts, makes decisions based on a good understanding of technical constraints/possibilities.

Uses agile method intensively (+ Pivotal tracker), always seeks for user feedback, for priority related to cost / value added ratio. Manages the company and the product in Lean mode. Oh, this is worth saying : we enjoy beers from time to time ;)

Technologies involved so far

The current product is solid.

Technologies : Rails 3.2, MySQL, Sphinx, JQuery, Backbone.js, git, Capistrano, Chef-solo + APIs Google Maps, LinkdeIn, Facebook.

Louis developed the backend (Web + API) and the web frontend.

We've developed the iPhone app ourselves.

Fund raising & Compensation

While proving the concept at INSEAD and HEC, we are now seeking for funding. We will spend the coming months pitching investors and clients, while taking our platform to the next level together with our CTO. We offer equity immediately. Cash compensation will be provided once funds are raised.

Further details will be discussed in person.

Workload in the first months

If the fit is good but the timing is bad, we could make an arrangement for a part-time basis in the first weeks, with purpose to go full-time rapidly.

We hope that this offer will "tease" your entrepreneurial side !

If you are interested please contact me at : [address removed] (ou au [masked])

We will be happy to meet you in person.

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