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July 2010 Evening Meetup - July 21 - City Beach @ Lakeside

From: Jonathan C.
Gesendet am: Freitag, 9. Juli 2010, 09:35
Announcing a new Meetup for The Zurich Entrepreneur Meetup Group!

What: July 2010 Evening Meetup - July 21 - City Beach @ Lakeside

When: Wednesday, July 21,[masked]:00 PM

Where: CityBeach @ Lakeside Zurich
Bellerivestrasse 170

Good news - Michael Wadham has agreed to take the reins for the July evening meetup. And even better, he has offered to buy all the drinks! OK, that's not true, but if you're nice to him, who knows :-)

This will be a reprise of last summer's highly successful outing to City Beach at Lakeside in Zurich.

Note: while the venue provides a beach-like setting, it is essentially a casual outdoor lounge, and most people are fully clothed (though you may see a few bathing suits if it is hot). Business will be on the agenda as always, but this is basically a chance for you to escape the stress of work and just enjoy a few hours of summer with your fellow entrepreneurs.

To help you find the right lounge, a small sign will be on display, or you can ask for the entrepreneur group.

Have fun, and I'll see you again in August.

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