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August 2010 Evening Meetup - Weds Aug 18th, 19:00 @ Ruesterei

From: Jonathan C.
Gesendet am: Donnerstag, 12. August 2010, 16:39
Announcing a new Meetup for The Zurich Entrepreneur Meetup Group!

What: August 2010 Evening Meetup - Weds Aug 18th, 19:00 @ Ruesterei

When: Wednesday, August 18,[masked]:00 PM

Where: Restaurant Rusterei
Kalanderplatz 6 Sihlcity

Hi all. Sorry for the short notice, but I just returned from holiday and am getting back in the swing of things.

The next evening meetup will take place on Wednesday, August 18th, at the restaurant Ruesterei at Sihlcity: Come join your fellow entrepreneurs for an engaging evening of conversation, food and drink. Depending on the weather, we may have a place outside, otherwise we will be in the main dining area inside. There will be a sign with "Entrepreneur Meetup" at the table. Call/text me at[masked] if you have any problems.

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Looking forward to seeing you,

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