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Re: [hiking-287] James Bond Bungee Jump

From: Lowell
Gesendet am: Dienstag, 29. Mai 2007, 23:38
I recently went paragliding (a tandem ride) in Appenzel -- CHF 220 for 30 minutes.  A bungee jump doesn't last very long, even if the memory does last a lifetime. 
Happy landings and See you next time,

----- Original Message ----
From: Jemma <[address removed]>
To: [address removed]
Sent: Tuesday, May 29,[masked]:20:08 PM
Subject: [hiking-287] James Bond Bungee Jump

Dear All,
It seems we have a winner with the Verzasca Dam "James Bond" Bungee. Have had 5 responses for yes on the poll so far......
I have sent off an email to the organisers to see if we qualify for any special group discount or rates! Am not sure yet if we need to pay any deposits etc but a reservation is necessary to jump so please think carefully before you RSVP yes and decide to try the jump as you may have to pay a cancellation fee. The current price is 255CHF this incl. jump training, cost of the jump, a drink and a certificate, however we may qualify for group discount if enough of us participate.
It is around 3 1/2 hours on the train so I suggest that we take the early morning train from Zurich HB at 07:31 on a Saturday (dates to be confirmed) which would get us to our destination for approx 11am. The last train back on the Saturday is 19:07 getting into Zurich HB for 10:30pm. For those of you like me who think that would be a long day (7 hours on a train!) there is an option of staying overnight in Locarno or the surrounding area and then spending a lazy Sunday around the lake or possibly tying in another activity and then heading back on the Sunday evening.
Dweep could you please set up a poll for which weekend is best....
I propose the 3 following weekends
Sat 7th and Sun 8th July
Sat 14th and Sun 15th July
Sat 21st and Sun 22nd July
My personal preference is for Sat 14th July as I will be in Locarno that weekend for the Moon and Stars festival to see Muse play that evening ..  (link to Moon and stars site for those interested is here.... )
If anyone has any further questions, please feel free to email me [address removed] and I will try to answer them or obtain further information from the event organisers.
Also, for those of you planning on making a weekend of it and staying overnight in sunny Ticino, suggestions for accommodation and potential activities to do on the Sunday would be welcome.
Jemma :o)

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