Über uns
Welcome to Zurich Hike & Outdoor !
This information page about our group has three main sections:
A) What we do - who we are - how we operate
B) The fine-print
C) RSVP etiquette
Switzerland is a hiking paradise, with trails covering almost the whole country ... and there is more to see: majestic mountains, beautiful lakes and evergreen fields, just to mention a few things.
Since 2007 we have been organising many, many hikes and other outdoor activities throughout the year.
In summer we hike, but we also do rafting, canyoning, biking, inline skating and climbing (Klettersteig, Via Ferrata), swimming etc.
In winter we do snowshoeing, alpine downhill skiing, cross country skiing, sledging/sledding, ice skating, as well as ski touring etc.
We are an international group, very mixed and with people coming from all over the world ranging from A like Australia and the Americas to Z like Zwitzerland.
A lot of members are fairly new to Zürich, happy to meet other people and to join outdoor activities together.
Many of the organisers have been in Switzerland for a while, know the country and how to find nice activities, and are happy to share their passion for the mountains, outdoor activities etc.
1. We are non-commercial:
Our organisers host events for the fun of it, to share their passion for the mountains, and to have like-minded people join for the activities foreseen.
2. Transport:
Our standard mode of transport is public transport, i.e. the excellent network of trains, busses, cablecars etc. we have here in Switzerland.
No car needed!
This is why a frequently used meeting point is «under the Blue Angel» at Zürich HB.
3. Open to all:
Our events are designed for everyone to participate, from beginners to advanced hikers.
However, this comes with two big «buts»!
4. «But #1»:
Nothing in the mountains is risk free and not every activity is suitable for everyone!
You yourself need to judge, if an activity is right for you.
If you are not sure, start with an activity you deem «easy» first.
We have a disclaimer that applies to all events.
See paragraph «B) The fine-print».
5. «But #2»:
Nothing in the mountains is risk free. The risks need to be taken seriously, and a person can even be a risk and burden for the entire group.
The event organiser does have the right to refuse participants for risk and safety reasons.
This explicitly also includes the right of the organiser to assess if taking along a person might pose a risk for the rest of the group, e.g. in a difficult situation in the mountains, and refuse participation based on this. This is entirely at the discretion of the even organiser and not up for discussion.
(Example: If the plan is, e.g., a ski tour at 2'500m above sea level, the event organiser does have the right to refuse a person participation, if the organiser deems that person an undue risk or burden for the others. End of discussion.)
6. RSVP etiquette:
Event organisers can set a limit as to how many people can join an event.
Please be considerate and respectful of this.
See paragraph «C) RSVP etiquette».
As said: Nothing in the mountains is risk free and not every activity is suitable for everyone. Therefore, the following disclaimer applies to all events:
Our events are NOT guided tours!
Instead, they are get-togethers of individuals who themselves are responsible for their judgement, choices and actions.
1. BEFORE - What is foreseen?
It is your own responsibility to prepare appropriately before the event.
You need to understand what activity is foreseen, assess the difficulty, risks and dangers and the expected weather conditions.
2. BEFORE - Is it for me?
You need to assess the requirements that the foreseen activity puts on you regarding experience, capabilities and fitness condition, and
you need to judge if you personally have the necessary experience, capabilities and fitness level.
3. BEFORE - Being prepared:
You yourself also need to assure adequate preparation, equipment (boots, clothes, gear...) and insurance cover and do everything as if you were going by yourself.
4. DURING - Judge and decide for yourself:
During the event it is your own responsibility to apply your own judgement and to take considerate decisions yourself, fully within your own responsibility.
The events are entirely at your own risk. The organiser also does not warrant on the accuracy or completeness of the descriptions.
The organiser just offers you to join one another and to go together, but holds no responsibility for anything, including injuries or death that might result directly or indirectly from the event.
Many events are limited in the number of participants they can accomodate.
Hard facts such as the capacity of a cablecar can be a limiting factor.
Also, up in the mountains, group size itself can be a risk
and on occasion a reservation/booking might be needed and requiring an exact number of participants.
Or - simply - the volunteer event organiser prefers a small group size and does not feel comfortable with a large group.
a) If your RSVP is «Yes, going» and then you do not show up, you might have taken away that scarce spot from someone else, a fellow member, who really dearly wanted to go!
b) The event organiser will have a good reason to have set the limit, and has the need and right to manage the number of participants.
1. Only sign-up «Yes, going» if you really seriously want to go.
Rationale: See above. Please respect that others might want the spot.
2. If your plans change, sign-out «No» as soon as possible.
Please also do that, if - at that moment - you are only on the waitlist.
Rationale: See above.
3. If you are thinking about changing your plans, please decide early enough for others still to join.
This translates into:
If you will not join, sign-out «No» at least 12-18 hours before the event, i.e. circa mid-day the day before.
Rationale: Give others the chance and time to still join.
4. If you are signed-up «Yes, going», then do join.
Rationale: See above.
5. For events happening at the same time, only sign-up «Yes, going» for one of them!
Even if the other event is in a different Meetup group.
Rationale: You cannot split yourself.
6. If you do NOT have a spot and when you are still on the waitlist:
Please respect that you do NOT have a spot.
Rationale: The organiser will have a good reason to have set the limit.
All in all:
Please be respectful in your RSVP.
Your fellow members and the organisers will appreciate this!
(And - people see, people talk - you might want to uphold a good reputation.)
So ... please don't be put-off by the disclaimer. Just take it seriously!
And please don't be put-off by the RSVP etiquette. Just take it seriously!
See you soon!
The team of organisers