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from Sven (your Meetup Hike&Outdoor Zürich organizer) - Apartments and others

From: Sven
Gesendet am: Montag, 26. Oktober 2015, 19:41
Dear all,

I hope you are all enjoying the Spring Hikes .... it is indeed one of the most interesting season to go hiking, especially if it is above the clouds. My joy is above clouds right now, but due to other reasons :)  

But let me change subject for awhile, to let you know about 2 apartments being offered by members of the Zürich Hike&Outdoor and a special offer from the DiningOut Meetup Group:

2 Apartment Offers!

1) Two great friends of mine are offering for their great apartment for a temporal sublease, as they are taking some time off and going for an adventure. It is indeed a very nice 4.5 room apartment with roof balcony overlooking the city in Kreis 3. Details can be seen under the link:

2) Also in Kreis 3, I am also subleasing my great modern and quiet 2.5 furnished apartment to non-smokers. This one even includes a dishwasher, washing mashine and a tumbler in the same apartment....a rare thing in Switzerland. 

Details and pictures can be seen under the attached document. If interested, please contact me per email [address removed]. 

Learn German together and get a nice discount for a German course

3) Vanessa from the Meetup "Food and Friends Zurich" has kindly asked me if I can announce her event that brings a group of fun people together and learn to speak German. Plus, she has arranged with the ALEMANIA SCHOOL to have a great discount.  

For more details, check out this link:­ 

Best wishes,

(your Meetup Hike&Outdoor Zürich Head Organizer)

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