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Classical Concert: 6th Dec Zurich

From: Ian M.
Gesendet am: Sonntag, 29. November 2009, 16:39
Hi Everyone,

I thought you might like to know that one of our group, Elizabeth Kuehn, will be acting as a conductor at a classical concert in Zurich. If you have time I am sure Elizabeth would really appreciate your support.

The details are:

Date, Time & Location: Sunday, December 6, 2009. Time: 16.30 at St. Andrew's Anglican Church.

Recital: 1-hour concert entitled Freudige Momente: Lieder f?r Winter,

Elizabeth Kuehn: Conductor and artistic director of the Schwung Kammer Vokalensemble

The music is 'classical' in nature, and features all women's voices for this particular project. Composers range from Franz Schubert, Hector Berlioz, Aaron Copland, Anton?n Dvoř?k, to the more contemporary Bob Chilcott, Loreena McKennitt, Leonard Bernstein, among others.

Further details: Please email Elizabeth Kuehn [[address removed]]


Kind regards,


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