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New Meetup: Three 12ers and a Glacier Exploratory Hike (RMNP)

From: Bill B.
Sent on: Friday, August 13, 2010, 4:00 AM
Announcing a new Meetup for THE DENVER TRAIL HEADS!

What: Three 12ers and a Glacier Exploratory Hike (RMNP)

When: Saturday, August 28,[masked]:00 AM

Price: $1.00 per person

Where: (A location has not been chosen yet.)

Three 12ers and a Glacier Exploratory Hike

I normally hike a trail myself before scheduling a group hike, but this one is not a trail I want to do alone. The trail is Flattop Mtn (12,324'), Hallett Peak (12,713'), Otis Peak (12,486') and Andrews Glacier. This trip is for those with an adventurous spirit and a hardy constitution. Loop starts at Bear Lake trailhead, follows Flattop Mtn trail over the peaks, slide down Andrews Glacier, and follows Loch Vale trail back to the Glacier Gorge trailhead. There is an element of danger because of possible fissures in the glacier.

Trail Details

Starting Elevation: 9475'
Highest Elevation: 12,713'
Total Elevation Gain: maybe 4000+'
Difficulty: Strenuous
Distance: 10+ miles.
Dogs: No

Weather is unpredictable at these elevations, be prepared for anything.

Carpool Location

We will meet at the park-n-ride at 88th and Sheridan at 5:30. I will to be at the north end of the lot. Look for my red Saturn. Those persons up north can meet us at the Bear Lake trailhead at 7:00--just be sure to let me know if you do not intend to meet at the carpool location. After the hike we will ride the free shuttle from the Glacier Gorge lot back to the Bear Lake lot.

This is a participate at your own risk event.

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