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July 15 - Womens Event "Women helping Women" (Please Read)

From: Ana
Sent on: Monday, July 10, 2017, 11:23 PM
HI Amazing powerful christians!!

I need your help to make an event successful. I will be hosting my first Women's Event "Women helping women" in Aurora Colorado. I would love for it to be a success! There will be women's products, clothing, totes, purses, jewelry, health, beauty and household items. I am going to be giving away 50 swag bags to the firstop 50 women that show up! Please stop by and support local women business owners. Some are mommies just like us! this is such an important event to me because I want to help these women! Stop by and say hi! Address is: Mississippi Plaza - 11175 E Mississippi Ave Suite 200 Aurora, CO 80112. (Flyer attached) visit our facebook page ;

Thank you for reading this! Have a very wonderful night! 


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