What we’re about
Welcome to Denver Christian Fellowship!
If you are involved in or facilitate any type of Fellowship, Bible Study, Worship, Church Service, House Church, Home Group, Singles Event, Outreach, Christian Book Study, Christian Concert, or even want to coordinate any other type of FUN activity for Christians, you can post it to this meetup group.
This group is about getting people involved in a broad range of Christian opportunities all across the Denver area so they can grow in their faith. Events are open to those who call themselves Christian or those wanting to explore Christianity more in a non-threatening setting, including those who won't step foot in a church.
We're not a church, or even a nonprofit organization. I created this website to facilitate a place where people can post their Christian gatherings, and collaborate on things like what to bring and where to meet. To connect with one another, have fun, and become more Christ-like in the process.
[DenverChristianFellowship.org](http://DenverChristianFellowship.org) is an open group, but is really made up of all types of groups and Christian events (Bible studies, singles, home groups, etc.) posted to this group by anyone who wants to open up their events to members of this group (the public). Age is not a factor for Denver Christian Fellowship (although for some specific meetups it may matter, e.g. if they are targeting a particular age group of singles).
Feel free to join DenverChristianFellowship then RSVP to the events that fit. If you find a particular type of event isn't for you try another type of event, or no problem if you end up just wanting to leave the group. We won't think badly about you.
We are a loving group of Christians from all denominational backgrounds who love Jesus, love to worship, and love to hang around other Christians in all sorts of settings (lots of love going around here!). And we like to have fun!
Whatever we do in word or deed we do in the name of Christ. We meet at parks, in houses, churches, restaurants, or wherever we can for Worship, Fellowship, Bible Study, and sometimes just for fun :)
We want the world to experience the presence of Jesus through the fellowship of true believers!
If you are involved in or facilitate any type of Fellowship, Bible Study, Worship, Church Service, House Church, Home Group, Singles Event, Outreach, etc. or even want to coordinate a FUN activity for Christians, we encourage you to post it here! The more the merrier.
If you do post an event you will be the Host of that event, (unless you indicate otherwise when you create an event and assign someone else who is willing to be the Host).
We are about many types of opportunities...
√ Worship
√ Fellowship
√ Bible Studies
√ Home groups
√ Spontaneous or planned gatherings
√ Small group opportunities
√ Home churches
√ Church worship services - calendar of opportunities for worship at local churches
√ Singles events
√ Prayer gatherings
√ Christian recovery groups
√ Outreaches
√ Gatherings at coffee houses / bookstores
√ Fun Christian events/gatherings
√ Christian concerts - (Heavenfest, etc.)
√ Christian book studies
√ Christian workshops/seminars
√ Annual Christian events - (Easter Sunrise Services, annual concerts or festivals, etc.)
√ Opportunities with disadvantaged children or other outreaches - (i.e. Tennyson Center, etc.)
√ Churches needing (temporary) worship leaders or musicians - (post needs to the group discussion board)

All members are encouraged to suggest/post meetup happenings for any Christian opportunities.
We reserve the right to moderate postings (based on Biblical guidelines) so that events align with the purpose of the group.
We hope you join us...
Questions? Contact Jeff through this group.
We're looking for other Co-Organizers who can help us get more events on the calendar. Interested? Please contact Jeff.
IMPORTANT: As of June 9, 2020 we have a new policy regarding any events that charge a fee, they will be asked to contribute/donate to this group. The requested contribution/donation should be 5% of total ticket sales or monies collected, or $24 per event, whichever is the greater. The contribution should be made through this Paypal link within 7 days of the event. As an exception, if the fee you are charging is to cover the exact costs for books/materials then no contribution is necessary. We have monthly expenses (and time) to run this group that comes out of the founder's pocket, and this group is not intended to be a platform for monetary profit for us or any of our members. Thanks for your cooperation.