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Camoin-Jodorowsky Tarot de Marseille Available at Isis Books

From: Joy V.
Sent on: Friday, November 20, 2015, 10:25 AM

Hello eveyone!

You all know that I don't hype very many decks. But this is one I want to draw your attention to. The Camoin Jodorowsky Tarot de Marseille is now for sale at Isis Books, 2775 S Broadway Englewood, CO 80113,[masked].

Do you remember Erica Adam's presentation from 2014? She discussed the filmmaker Alejandro Jodorowsky (born in Chile who resides now in France) and his psychomagic techniques.

Jodorowsky rebuilt the Tarot de Marseille in 1997, referring back to original Conver deck and trying to recreate each and every detail as clearly as possible. Often reproductions of Marseille decks are blurry and the colors are muddy due to the printing style of the time period. Jodorowsky wanted a clean version, but one that was completely authentic to the original. His resulting deck was published by Camoin in Marseille, France.

This deck has previously been difficult to find in the US. I had to order my copy from France, and it took months of shipping before it arrived. Now you can get this deck at Isis Books!

Fran just received a shipment yesterday of the Camoin Jodorowsky Tarot de Marseille at Isis Books & Gifts. I would recommend also picking up a copy of Jodorowsky's The Way of the Tarot while you're there.

Isis Books is at 2775 S Broadway Englewood, CO 80113. You can call them at [masked]. Remember, they do mail order too!

If enough people get this deck, I'll do a presentation on reading non-illustrated pips next year for DTM.

If you'd like to learn more about this deck, check out the following sites and articles:

New York Times article, "When the Tarot Trumps All"

Camoin website card images

Camoin website articles on the deck

Jodorowsky's philosophy of the deck

For more information, please contact Fran at Isis Books, Isis Books is at 2775 S Broadway Englewood, CO 80113. You can call them at[masked].

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