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Looking for Sponsors and Speakers

From: Michelle S.
Sent on: Tuesday, April 2, 2013, 12:38 PM
Hi Folks,
we have now moved to our new venue and are in full swing for the year! 
This group is an Adobe sponsored group which enables us to give away Adobe Software twice a year, however it is community driven and Daniel Flores and I are looking for any sponsors who wish to help out with funds for food, projectors lol, meet up charges, speakers, etc, so if you know of any company who would be willing to help out please send them to us and we would love to open a dialog.
We are also looking for anyone in the community who would like to come and give a talk about an Adobe product, just email me and we can put you on the list, I know there were several people who expressed an interest before so don't be shy we don't bite!!
Looking forward to next months meeting with Logan Gray defending Dreamweaver!
Michelle & Daniel

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