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DFW Scrum | An Evening with Ron Jeffries and Chet Hendrickson

From: Lance D.
Sent on: Tuesday, October 12, 2010, 1:28 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for DFW Scrum!

What: DFW Scrum | A Evening with Ron Jeffries and Chet Hendrickson

When: Tuesday, November 9,[masked]:30 PM

Where: Fellowship Technologies
6363 N State Highway 161 Suite 400
Irving, TX 75038

Ron Jeffries and Chet Hendrickson will be joining us for DFW Scrum on TUE 11/9 from 6:30-8:30PM. Back in July 2009, we had Ron over video conferencing, but this time they both will be here on-site at the Fellowship Technologies office.

Ron is one of the original authors of the Agile Manifesto. Ron and Chet both were on the original XP Team at the C3 project (which Ron was coaching). I have had the pleasure of interacting with Ron and Chet on a few occasions and in my opinion, they are the foremost authority of anything in the Agile industry. They are great helping teams get better and as far as engineering practices, they are the ones to call when your team needs help. We get them all to ourselves on this night, so bring all of your questions and be ready for some great interaction and conversations. Their personalities are the icing on the cake. If you were ever on the fence about some formal training in Scrum / Agile, Ron and Chet will also be teaching some courses here in Dallas which are simply a must if you can swing it.

Their courses are for CSM and Agile Skills Developer (ADS) the week of November 8th.? This course is not only a terrific way to network with a manifesto author and innovators of the XP movement, but it is also a Scrum Alliance sanctioned course which satisfies the technical requirement for the Scrum Alliance Certified Scrum Developer (CSD) designation.?

Ron and Chet have a passion for increasing the technical skills in the Agile Community.? Thus, they are happy to offer a 20% discount to anyone referred by the?DFW Scrum User Group including members and sponsors.? Register using the discount code of "AGILE2010".

If 5 or more people from a DFW Scrum User Group sponsoring company wish to attend the course, they will also offer to pay for a "pay for 5, get 5 free seats" discount.? Call[masked] for more information on that discount if you have any questions.

I have attached a brochure which has information on the courses.? The ADS course is an approved Scrum Alliance course which earns the 3 days of technical training needed for Certified Scrum Developer (CSD) Certification.? The ADS course begins 11/10 and concludes 11/12.? If you are interested in finishing your CSD that week, you can take the combination of the Certified Scrum Master course and the ADS course.? The "combo" class begins 11/8 and ends on 11/12.

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