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Meetup Cancelled: DMK Elite Networking Business Breakfast Meeting at Holiday Inn Dublin

From: Donisia M.
Sent on: Thursday, December 31, 2015, 11:34 AM

DMK Elite Networking Business Breakfast Meeting at Holiday Inn Dublin, scheduled to occur on Tuesday, January 5, 2016 8:30 AM has been cancelled.

Sorry for the inconvenience. Meeting is canceled due to an immediate death to my Grandmother in England (I will not be attending) and also because of the LOW RSVP Count. Please, PLEASE, Please take the time now to RSVP & Mark your Calender's for the next 3 months for the upcoming Meeting and Mixers so I can plan effectively to HELP you GROW YOUR BUSINESS IN 2016.

Remember together we Aspire - Together we Achieve! - National Motto of Trinidad!

Happy New Year to all. Be KIND to one another and in everything you DO. Love thyself FIRST, do good things so GOOD Karma will surround you and keep ME in your prayers  and thought as we celebrate and embrace a Rebirth to SUCCESS in 2016!

If you have further questions, you can email me at [address removed] or call[masked].


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