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NYE Update by Kenway from Drinking With Strangers

From: Member ID: #.
Sent on: Wednesday, January 2, 2008, 10:35 PM
Dear Strangers -

I am sorry for the delay in posting the photos, I have been so upset about the negative comments that I haven't even looked at the photos as of yet - all 240 of them! I have however forwarded zipped copies of them over to Randy and he likely posted some or most on his site.
You are welcome to post your photos up at:

To those of you that are deeply upset, and to clarify, our beef is not with Warszawa, the restaurant is owned and run by the owners themselves (whom I have never met but I hear are very nice), their food and service is excellent.

We were partying at the Warszawa Patio Bar which is separately run by Jorge the manager.

So please do not write bad reviews about the restaurant.

In the last very stressful day, I have received overwhelming support from our members, thank you. Most of whom contacted me personally by cell or via email said they had a great time even though there were downfalls and if they had the choice would do it again!

We have been in contact with Jorge, and have scheduled a meeting to discuss the downfalls and restitution.

That said, I just want to remind everyone, we are amateur party planners; I am a travel nurse and I am not sure what Randy or Jessica do professionally but I know its not party planning! We will do our best to resolve this issue in a timely, mature and peaceful way.


PS - For those of you interested, I have finally created DWF. Feel free to join.