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Message boards will no longer be available after July 18, 2024.

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Evolving Changes

From: Kim
Sent on: Friday, February 17, 2012, 10:09 PM

Hi All,

The group is still not growing fast enough, and new members dont attend well, so I am looking at evolving the group to something that will still include the latino essence but it will be part of something more inclusive and the activities will be similar. You are welcome to see how this develops and I hope as more people join, more of you will attend our meetups.

I will work on details this weekend and relaunch the group with a new name, Sunday or Monday. The meetups coming up will continue like the cafe and music on Sundays, and the next dinner at Caio Bella Roma is still on.

Some members who have not been active in over a year will be deleted and can rejoin if they want to.

The Celto Latino Social Network can continue to exist on Facebook, so it lives on there!

Have a great weekend,

Kim - Organizer



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