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Re: [celtolatino] Meetup Group name change

From: Kim
Sent on: Sunday, February 19, 2012, 10:32 PM
Hi Marek,
Thanks and I hope it gets more members who attend, When it grows a little I may ask you to do an occaisonal
meetup event such as photography and we can talk, I will not be here for Canta Brazil but will mention it as an event note.

From: Marek Kubinek <[address removed]>
To: [address removed]
Sent: Sunday, February 19,[masked]:25 PM
Subject: Re: [celtolatino] Meetup Group name change

Hi Kim, nice, better. If do you need, smetime I can help you with organizing some events. Next week I will go on Canta Brazil, I put as event on facebook.

2012/2/19 Kim <[address removed]>
Hi Everyone,
I have now launched the Group's new name, evolving from the Celto Latino Social Network to the
Dublin Cosmopolitan, so as to be more inclusive but with the same energy and dedication I gave to the old group. I ofcourse hope you will with me help make it grow and be successful.
I look forward to seeing you at an upcoming meetup.
Kim - Organizer

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Meetup, PO Box 4668 #37895 New York, New York[masked] | [address removed]

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To learn more about Marek Kubinek, visit his/her member profile
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