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Re: [bike-207] Greater Boston Cycling/Outdoor Fitness Group

From: Digna F.
Sent on: Tuesday, July 3, 2007, 11:37 AM
I am interested.

On 7/2/07, Rob Fox <[address removed]> wrote:
Hello Everyone!

My name is Rob and I offered to assist Dee, the Organizer with running some events for this Meetup Group.

This may be too short notice for many of you but I'm looking to see how many of you would be interested in a bike ride this Sunday, July 8th. I'm proposing a time to meet of 10am. I haven't selected a specific route yet but I thought it would be nice to get out of city and do a ride in some of the suburbs like Concord, Sudbury and the like.

Could you please let me know how many of you would be interested in a ride of this sort....something in the range of 30 miles.

If there is enough interest I'll post a Meetup and we'll go from there.

If you have a route that you especially like, let me know your thoughts and also if you'd like to assist. Also feel free to add any other thoughts you may have to make this a nice ride/event. If this date is not going to draw a good size group, I will likely select a date farther in the future.


Rob Fox

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