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Moonlight Smores Ride TONIGHT

From: Brett
Sent on: Friday, September 4, 2009, 2:31 PM
For those of you not going on the Vineyard ride I have a special treat
for you tonight!

There is a unique and fun ride that meets at Belmont Wheelworks around
a full moon and rides out to Prospect Hill in Waltham.  At the top of
the hill, the group makes a small fire and cooks smores while enjoying
the view of the Waltham/Boston skyline.

From what I've seen, all levels of riders and bikes are welcome, as
long as they are in GOOD REPAIR.  Ie, this is not the ride to bring
out your bike you haven't rode in 12 months with tires and tubes that
are 10 years old.  Because this is a night ride, a flat tire or other
mechanical issue will be frustrating for you and the group.

This is a NIGHT ride, we meet at 8PM, and a helmet and BOTH front and
rear lights are REQUIRED (by law and the ride organizer.) Wheelworks
is open (I think, you should check!) so you could buy a spare tube,
lights, etc at the shop.  Show up a little early- the group leaves
relatively promptly.  Parking isn't bad, just watch that you don't
park in a 2-hr-only space.

Also, nights are cold, so while bike shorts and a sleeveless top may
be fine for the ride out, you'll be freezing standing around and on
the ride back.  Dress appropriately and bring an extra layer of

Again: Belmont Wheelworks, 7:50PM TONIGHT (Friday Sept 4), bring a
helmet, front/rear lights, extra layer of clothing.


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