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Last Nights Meet-up and Slides

From: Andrew B.
Sent on: Friday, 24 May 2019, 3:54 pm

A big thank you to everyone who came to last night's superb meet-up. We had a great showing yesterday and some superb presentations from Benjamin Johns ( on Microservices, Immutable Infrastructure, and remembering the Ops in DevOps and Sam Harley (MongoDB ) on Scaling MongoDB on Kubernetes


Ben and Sam are happy for me to share last-nights slides


A big thanks to our sponsors without them we'd not be able to make the meet-ups happen.


Vorteil -  (food and drinks)

MongoDB -  (event space)

ManTech -  (MC)


I'll shortly be announcing a couple of Melbourne events for all the requests we've had from the Melburnians.


Our next meet-up will be announced shortly. We are aiming at Thursday, July 25, 2019


Thoughts at this point are PropTech, IoT and Digital Twins I'll officially announce it shortly but you can RSVP early.


If you are keen to be involved in this one drop Michael Lai a line at [address removed]


Thanks again for everyone who helped out and came along yesterday!






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