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Brisbane Entrepreneur - Monthly Social Meetup

From: Blake E.
Sent on: Saturday, 17 August 2013, 11:40 pm

Hi Entrepreneurs,

We are looking for someone (or 2-3 people) to start hosting regular monthly social meetups.

If I get a few volunteers - I'll introduce you to each other - and you can run with it.

What you need to figure out:

1) Location - somewhere which can handle up to 20-30 people in a social setting.  (Pub, Restaurant, Coffee shop, etc)

2) Time - when would be best - while everyone has differing schedules - it could even rotate - evening, morning, saturday?

That's it - once scheduled - all you need to do is attend - let the social process take care of itself.

Now if you wanted to do more - that can be arranged - meaning if you want to set up guest speakers, or panel discussions - that can work too!

But first - we need a few people who are willing to set aside a 2 hour period each month - to meet and talk with other entrepreneurs.  If we have 2-4 people willing - that will make it much easier on everyone.

Hope to hear from you soon,


Group Founder - Entrepreneurship Association of Australia

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