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April 08 D3SJ meeting

From: geoffrey
Sent on: Sunday, 6 April 2008, 9:12 pm

D3SJ* meeting April 2008:

Virginia Balmain is National Vice President and Queensland President of the United Nations Association of Australia. The world UN Association has over 100 national United Nations Associations (UNAs) members. These connect hundreds of thousands of people in every region of the world to the United Nations. UNAs have a unique role to play:

Disseminating information and educational materials about the UN

Lobbying the government, political parties and interest groups in support of the UN

Conducting Model UN conferences

Stimulating the media to provide frequent and accurate coverage of the UN and its programs

Working with other voluntary organsations on projects related to the work of the UN: peace, human rights, anti-discrimination.

Virginia?s major activities have included campaigning for the abolition of land mines through ICBL and refugee support through AUSTCARE. Currently she is focusing on human rights internationally through the United Nations Association. She has practical experiences overseas which she can share with us.

Date & time: Wednesday 9 April 2008

5.30pm - biscuits, coffee/tea

6.00pm - presentation

6.45pm - discussion

7.15pm - meeting concludes - enthusiastic participants are encouraged to continue discussion over dinner at another venue

Venue: Sullivan Nicolaides Pathology Boardrooms, 134 Whitmore St (Swann Rd end), Taringa. Go to reception (off upper car park) & signs will direct from there.

Parking is available on site (upper car park- anywhere there is a space or lower car parks in the non reserved spaces).There's also plenty of nearby on-street parking (with no meters/time limit) at that time of day.

Who should attend: Any intelligent person interested in the common good.

Cost: FREE!

* Doctors and Scientists for Sustainability and Social Justice:

We invite participation from all members of the public who agree with the medical and scientific principles of using evidence, reason and fairness as the best means to address society's problems

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