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RE: [webcms-53] Are we going to have a Joomla! Meetup about Joomla?

From: Margaret S.
Sent on: Thursday, 17 May 2012, 7:42 am
Would appreciate both, a one hour session and a half day session.

Thanks so much for the offer

Margaret Shakibaie

"Think of the internet as a river not a Pond."


-----Original Message-----
From: [address removed] [mailto:[address removed]] On Behalf Of Andrew
Sent: Thursday, 17 May[masked]:37 AM
To: [address removed]
Subject: Re: [webcms-53] Are we going to have a Joomla! Meetup about Joomla?

On 16 May[masked]:33, Geoff Robertson <[address removed]> wrote:
> For example, I have a
> media background, not a programming, and often have to struggle 
> through the code to work out what's going on in tweaking a template, 
> or creating overrides.  Would anyone else be interested in this?

I have a half-day template course that I could compress into an hour.
It's purely about understanding the PHP side of things and how to use layout
overrides effectively (I know enough CSS to be dangerous but no more).
Would be better in a room with a projector though.

If people are interested, I was also thinking of making myself available for
a half day dev. afternoon (for those that want something a bit heavier)
maybe on a Saturday if someone would be able to find/supply a venue (room
with a data projector, preferably not too far from a coffee shop, hehe).
Probably cover things like git/github, the Joomla Platform, maybe "fix my
component", etc.  Maybe August/September-ish­.

Andrew Eddie
https://learn.thea...­ - training videos for Joomla developers

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