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MEETUP THIS SATURDAY! What you need to know and what you need to do.

From: Chris J.
Sent on: Tuesday, 31 January 2012, 6:35 pm

Hey Guys,

My name is Chris Joannou...

and I will be co-hosting the event on Saturday.


I just wanted to introduce myself and tell you a little about what you can expect, and what you need to do to participate.

In a nutshell... you get a presentation from me and plenty of networking opportunities, so bring your business cards.


Who am I?

So I guess I best describe myself as an entrepreneur, I have several successful businesses both online and offline but the two major ones are DreamPushers (A small digital agency) and J&D Consortium, a large import business of primarily food products for both the retail and food service markets - chances are I am in your cupboard right now - scary thought :)


What's it about?

On Saturday, I will present to you on the topics as outlined. Regardless of whether you are staring a business from scratch or a successful business owner - market research is key, and coming from a traditional marketing background I can tell you this has changed dramatically, so let me help show you a few cutting edge market research techniques.


I will also be presenting on lifestyle design, because we cannot lose site of the big picture, so what is that for you? What do you want your life to look like in 3, 5, 10 years? Do you have the freedom that you want? Are you living the life you pictured? I will be talking about this, because if it has not already it should be a big influencer on how you build your business.

The goal is (in my book anyway) to streamline everything, automate everything, then outsource everything that is left over. You really need to evaluate what you are spending your time on, you can always make more money but you cannot get the time we will talk a little about this.


And I know there has been a few comments about is there an online focus, and the answer is yes definitely...

I started the import business with my brother just over 3 years ago...and it will turnover just under $5million this year, and I will still preach to you until the cows come home that online is the way to go!


It does not matter what business you have, online is extremely important if not everything. It's the difference between a local market and global market!

I also have a few start ups that I am about to launch which I will use as case studies, so I can show you how I am going to get them online, generate traffic and make money!This is real content with real instructions that you can implement into your business right away. Even if you are a veteran online I am positive you will still take away plenty.


Ok so what to do...You need to get onto meetup and pay your $15, because your spot is not guaranteed until you have paid online, and that $15 is just to cover the event. It is also limited to 40 people ( I am sorry about this and will ensure a bigger venue next time, but it was the best I could do on short notice) so its first in best dressed. What I can guarantee is aside from the content you will get to meet people, people that can help your business, people to help start your mastermind group and to hold you accountable...and If you are still not happy I will give you your money back....probably mumble something about you under my breath...but give you your money back:) and pay for it out of my own pocket.


Ok, so I look forward to meeting with all of you, and please don't hesitate to contact me directly on [address removed] or post your questions or comments on the page.

Thanks in advance

Chris Joannou



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