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So Why Is Having A Business The Best Way To Get Rich? From chapter 2 - To Be Rich Be Lazy Book

From: Linh P.
Sent on: Wednesday, 29 February 2012, 9:53 am

So why is having a business the best way to get rich?

You’re creating an asset
The best thing about starting a business is that you’rebuilding an asset. When you work in a job, the sum you earn depends on how hard you work. You can only work so many hours and you can only work so much. When you stop working, the money stops flowing. With a business, you can create an asset. You can have others working in your business, so even if you don’t physically work, you can still increase your wealth. A business can generate passive income if you pay others to run it for you. You can also sell your business when you’ve finished with it, and someone else can run it. An asset can make you rich. A job is not an asset. A job is not even a word; it’s a sentence – a lifetime sentence.

You can take advantage of leverage
By design (or default), you create a business to make money, and the quickest way to make money is to use leverage – and in a business, you can use a lot of leverage. Leverage is doing more with less, and in a business, you can do a lot with very little. You can leverage other people’s money to create your products and market your business. You can also leverage other people’s time and get them to work for you so you can spend your time doing other things that are more important to you. You
can also leverage technology. I have many websites that run twenty-four hours per day, and I’m selling twenty-four hours per day, though I am not online for all that time.

You get to keep more of your money
The tax laws are for the benefit of those who create jobs, not those who have jobs. By having a business, you have a lot more control over when you pay tax and how much tax you pay. In a job, you have little or no control. One of the problems with saving $1 (for someone who has a job) is that the worker has to earn $2 first because the (constantly changing) 50% taxes remove half the money. In business, you can claim many expenses on your pretax dollars, meaning you pay less in tax, which in turn means you get to keep more of your money. Business can make you extremely rich, and you only need to succeed once in your business for this to happen. Although people say it’s risky, really it isn’t.

Why not start a business today? I’ll show you how easy it is in my new ebook To Be Rich Be Lazy - How to start an online business with no time, no money and no skills. It is currently available on Amazon.

I will also be coming from Sydney this week to be with Chris to present to you my strategies, See you all this Saturday 3rd March :-) REGISTER NOW!

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