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Bragging Rights! & Last Chance to Sign-Up for the MeetUp.

From: Chris J.
Sent on: Friday, 2 March 2012, 8:28 am

Hey Guys, 

As promised I will be sharing with you my successes online, and with my Start-ups. So I relaunched my agency DreamPushers about a week and a half before the last Meetup, with the plans to refocus my energy by helping to empower individuals and business with getting started online and seeing success. Within 5 and half weeks, I rank #3 in Google for Online Business Ideas!! and I am confident I will make it to #1 in another 6 weeks.


I charge $550 / hour for my personal coaching sessions, and I am literally going through these steps for free for you at each Meetup (the $25 just covers the venue). So I wanted to first brag a little, then give you one last chance to attend the Meetup! :)

I hope to see you there and look forward to meeting you all!



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