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Internet Business Meetup Group Q&A

From: user 8.
Sent on: Monday, 9 February 2009, 11:02 am

Hi there


Recently I wrote and asked everyone a couple of key questions and I’ve had less than six replies!


While the replies I did get were considered and helpful, according to the site, there are more than a hundred members... making six a pretty poor response!


So... I want to ask again... please take the time to reply. Your group needs the benefit of your input as well as your interest in taking part.


Plus, I want to be inspired by your responses to organise a meetup! As I said in my last mail, I want our meetups to be worthwhile and for people to gain a lot by coming to them. Sure, it’s great to want to network and meet people, but these things will happen anyway.


For example, I’d like to see a meetup where we invite someone who is skilled at web content management systems to come and speak, do a demo of ‘how you can easily manage content on your site’. And the same with search engine optimisation and the other critical parts of running a web site. I’m also interested in hearing people’s ‘success stories’, about how they’ve achieved good revenue selling products or services on the Internet, etc, etc.


These are just my ideas. Now it’s time to hear yours!


My questions were:


a)      What part of ‘the Internet’ are you involved? Web shop owner? Web site builder? Etc

b)      What would you like to see/learn/do in future meetups?


Looking forward to hearing from you








Phone: [masked]

Skype:  paul.earl


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