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RE: [WordPress-Brisbane] CommBank payment gateway

From: Gal B.
Sent on: Sunday, 13 April 2014, 10:48 am

I have clients using eWay (the most popular payment gateway in Australia) and SecurePay, both of which, I believe, work with any bank, but since they provide a solid gateway and a great admin panel, you don't need to deal with the bank directly even if they hold your merchant account.


The addon for ePath is free and I think it's OK too, but with secure payments, it's best to consider the ongoing rates, as well as the quality of the self-service portal and the level of support.



From: [address removed] [mailto:[address removed]] On Behalf Of Fil Cristaldi
Sent: Saturday, 12 April[masked]:18 PM
To: [address removed]
Subject: Re: [WordPress-Brisbane] CommBank payment gateway


I'm actually halfway thru the commbank woocommerce connection with the extensions work plugin... They make you do 20 tests with a test account then they give you access to the real account and have to do 20 more tests! A big time waster!

On Saturday, April 12, 2014, Ben Maden <[address removed]> wrote:

Most people (especially busy customers) often don't know that anyone can get a merchant account from virtually any back irrespective of WHO you bank with. If you ask your own bank, which is where most people go, they aren't going to tell you that.... I've had the experience of them warning clients off other platforms and merchant providers, verging on lies.


After an amazingly unhelpful/difficult experience with CommBank's ecommerce (many years ago now) and an amazing experience with Braintree many times I actively recommend Braintree to my clients and explain that whilst they, the customer might have a harder time providing their Identity to Braintree (who partner with NAB), the code we produce will be (a) cheaper, (b) more reliable and (c) easier to look after AND best of all (d) it'll work better for the end user!!


When you put the convenience for their customers, and the cost to them and the potential impact on their income in dollars they're usually open to other options.






On Sat, Apr 12, 2014 at 6:23 PM, Pete <[address removed]> wrote:

yes I understand that but as it is my customer who has this bank, I cant very well tell my customer
to change banks just to suit us

> On 12/04/2014 6:20:25 PM, Damian Caynes ([address removed]) wrote:
> > I wouldn't trust CommBank with a bankbook used as toilet paper.
> On 12 April[masked]:56, Pete <[address removed]> wrote:
> > My client uses Commonwealth bank for payments.
> > Has anyone used any payment gateways for making payments to / thru the
> > bank from the WooCoomerce plugin.
> >
> > Is there any better one than the other..
> >
> > I found a couple like the codecanyon one
> >
> >
> >
> > and the extensionworks one
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > anyone have any experiance with these.
> >
> > your comments would be much appreciated
> >
> > Pete
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > --

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Fil Cristaldi
Design & Development Director


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