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Re: [WordPress-Brisbane] wp-cron.php, loopback and other $%^# we have to deal with (advanced)

From: Pete
Sent on: Monday, 17 August 2015, 2:29 pm

I recently had problems with infinateWP, flagged it for a bit then try to do backups with Duplicator, crashed ( timed out) then tried Backup Buddy etc..
All on Uber..

Every problem I have it turned out they blocked this and that.
Got each working but took a bit of time.
you would think a host would pick up the error and fix it pretty quick but it took days sometimes til eventually they put it to the techs that knew what they were doing to fix it.
All because their security was so tight that when they gave out hostings there were heaps of errors..

So suggest you try your host too..

> On 17-Aug-15 1:42:03 PM, Gal Baras ([address removed]) wrote:
> > Hi guys,

> I'm having all sorts of issues, which are likely related, but even if not,
> can probably be resolved by the same solution: getting wp-cron.php to work
> properly or using something other than wp-cron.php to run scheduled tasks.

> Here are some the problems (on multiple sites):

> 1.      InfiniteWP is unable to complete backups to the point where I gave
> it up - the client side just stops responding and the server side task times
> out
> 2.      BackupBuddy fails at various steps with loopback errors on multiple
> sites
> 3.      MailPoet sends duplicate emails
> These issues may or may not be related to DNS issues, having LiteSpeed as
> the web server, running iThemes Security and hosting with the
> security-conscious VentraIP.

> One solution I tried today was running a cron job from cPanel using "wget"
> to execute wp-cron.php.  This was rejected by iThemes Security, because
> hackrepair rejects wget as insecure.  Using curl works from SSH, but not
> from cron.

> If you've

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