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Tonights event - Details and Bio's

From: Andrew B.
Sent on: Thursday, 19 May 2016, 12:00 pm

Hello all,

Not long until tonight's meet-up.

From 6pm

Chapel Room

Greenwood Hotel

36 Blue Street


Topic: Disruptive Innovation - Elimination of Friction

6pm – Arrive. Networking + Food and Drinks

6:30 –Presentation

Damian Noonan,

Co-Founder & Director, Tquila ANZ

Damian Noonan brings over 20 years’ extensive experience in the delivery of technology solutions in Australia/New Zealand. His roles have included IT consulting, pre-sales, architecture, design, and implementation of cloud-based solutions on the Salesforce platform.

In 2010, driven by his passion for innovation, architectural thinking and entrepreneurial spirit, Damian embarked on a journey to understand how to start, build and grow new ventures. He developed his experience with organisations ranging from large consulting firms to boutique firms; and, from fast-growing start-ups to established Salesforce product companies.

On the strength of these foundations, in 2013, Damian co-founded a new company that was to become Tquila ANZ, one of Australia’s fastest growing Salesforce Platinum Partners differentiated with a distinct Architecture DNA.

Earlier in his career, Damian also worked at Okere, a global Salesforce Consulting firm, where he was responsible for designing, architecting and delivering enterprise solutions across a diverse range of industry sectors including financial services, investment banks, telecommunications, energy and utilities. Okere was later to become part of Fujitsu.

7:15pm – Panel discussion

Ammar Alammar,

Senior Director, Salesforce

Technology has been a lifelong passion of mine. I learned how to code from a young age and saw this as my craft akin to sculpting or painting. Today I lead a carefully hand picked team of experts at who share the same passion for excelling in their craft. I lead the APAC Architects to deliver awesome customer centric experiences with a focus on enterprise solutions that connect businesses with customers by leveraging mobile, social and next generation digital experiences.

Brad Drysdale

Principal Solutions Consultant and APAC CTO for MuleSoft

Brad works with customers to articulate the value of integration in the New Enterprise, as well as a keen evangelist for the API Economy.Prior to MuleSoft, Brad was Global Technical Director for Kaazing, a software company enhancing the way business and customers communicate across the Web using the new HTML5 WebSocket standard.

Before joining Kaazing, Brad was Technical Director for Azul Systems in EMEA, working with large customers to realise the benefits of virtualised, high-scale, network-attached Java computing. Brad also was the EMEA technical evangelist for Azul and spoke at several Java developer and industry analyst events.

Prior to Azul, Brad managed a team of pre-sales professionals at BEA Systems in Australia, and was also the company's technical spokesperson, spending a lot of time with customers, industry analysts and at marketing events extolling the virtues of J2EE, SOA and standards-based infrastructure. Brad has also worked at Openwave and Netscape Communications in various pre-sales and technical evangelist roles. He is a proficient speaker and tries his best to describe new and revolutionary technologies in a way easily understandable by audiences ranging from very technical to more business focused.

Gary Breavington,

Principal Technical Consultant, Tquila ANZ

Gary has worked on the Salesforce platform since 2008. He joined Tquila UK in 2012 and Tquila ANZ in 2014. His role with customers is as Technical Architect, helping design and deliver solutions. Internally Gary explores new technologies that aids delivery and enables our customers.

As well as technical expertise, Gary works with clients to understand their business and the solutions they need. He has applied his skillset on projects across a number of industries including travel, medical, media, utilities and others.

8:30 – Door prize presentations

8:30+ - Networking and drinks

9:00pm - Close

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