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Reminder: September Meetup this Wednesday

From: Arjen S.
Sent on: Monday, 23 September 2019, 9:56 am

Hi all!

Time flies and before you know it the end of the month is here again! Before you focus all your attention on the upcoming long weekend, this is your usual reminder that on Wednesday we'll have our monthly meetup.

We're back to the usual format, without the racing track, but with a couple of great talks. As before, this means it would be great if you arrive around 6 so you can grab a drink and chat before a 6:15 start.

As many of you have already signed up for these great presentations, just a reminder to update your RSVP if you can't make it after all. That way someone else will be able to come.
The agenda for Wednesday:

* Introductions
* Arjen and Chris: What's new in AWS
* Jean-Manuel Becker: Hacking private S3 buckets with SSRF in under 2 minutes and how to protect yourself [Level 400]
* Marketplace (Who's Hiring)
* Pizza break
* Iman Yusuf: Heading to Europe: The Data Sovereignty Project [Level 300]

As always a huge thanks to our gold sponsors Innablr for their support across 2019 - we could not do these events without them.

Don't forget if you can't make it on the night you can still watch the live stream:

Rob, Chris, and Arjen

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