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Reminder: August Meetup and Community Day

From: Rob A.
Sent on: Monday, 26 August 2019, 4:21 pm

Hi all!

Apologies for the emails in successive weeks. We try to keep spam to a minimum but sometimes its hard to avoid.

That said, don't forget that we're on this Wednesday the 28th of August from 6pm over at YBF. We'll have the DeepRacer track out again this month (possibly for the last time) so if you're interested in having a go all you need to do is bring along a model. Arjen did a great walkthrough of this a couple of months ago that you can see on our YouTube Channel. Its also a great opportunity to practice your racing on a real track ahead of the AWS Community Day!

Speaking of, this Friday is the AWS Community Day here in Melbourne. It is going to be an amazing day with the keynote headed by Jeff Barr, the AWS Chief Evangelist and with multiple tracks across the day. The entire event is run for the community, by the community, so its like a Meetup on steroids. If you haven't got the day off, chuck a sickie and come along, I promise it will be worth it. (Wear a cunning disguise if you're worried about running into your boss.)

Right so, our agenda for Wednesday night:

* Melbourne DeepRacing (5:45pm to 6:30pm – includes pizza)
* Introductions
* Chris and Jean-Manuel: What's new in AWS
* Pete Yandell: From Serverless to Observerless [Level 200]
* Marketplace (Who's Hiring)
* Short break
* Jean-Manuel Becker: AWS achieved PROTECTED [Level 100] ⚡️

There is still space for additional lightning talks if anyone has any recent learnings, stories, or cool tools they want to share. You can either reply to this email, contact @bok on Slack, or learn more over on the website.

Lastly, a huge thanks to our sponsors, especially our gold sponsor Innablr, without whom these events would not be possible.

See you all on Wednesday night or Friday!

Rob, Chris and Arjen

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