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Re: [brisbane-movie-fans] Please help! Event hosts needed!

From: Lisa M.
Sent on: Thursday, 5 September 2013, 7:38 am
Hi Kim

I wrote yes to a few of these.

I cannot host.

I am going to Europe 20 Sept for one month.

I like an early session 6.30 ish as I fall asleep by the later sessions..

Thanks so much


On 04/09/2013, at 9:25 PM, Kim wrote:


I agree lots of great stuff to see in latter part of the year as we approach the awards season in the U.S.

I've shown the ones I'm happy to host with "yes"'s. Maybe others when I get a chance to view previews. I can do most Wed, Thurs & Sat nights. Or most Sat or Sun arvs. Cinema locations may vary from Palace.


"The Best Offer" - YES

"The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones" -  YES

"Upstream Color" - YES

"Elysium" -

"Sleeping Beauty: A Gothic Romance" -

"Blue Jasmine" - yes

"Robbie Williams: Take The Crown Tour 2013" -

"Lovelace" -

"Stories We Tell" - yes

"Rush" -

"Diana" - yes

"Stoker" -

"What Maisie Knew" -

"The Rocket" -

"Red Obsession" -

"The Bling Ring" -

"I Am a Girl" -

"Mood Indigo" -

"The Sunny Boy" -

"I'm So Excited" -

On Wed, Sep 4, 2013 at 8:36 PM, AJ <[address removed]> wrote:

Greetings Movie Fans!


There are some wonderful movies screening at the moment, or coming out over the next few weeks. In fact, there are so many that I simply can't get to them all!


So, I'm writing to all group members to ask if you might be willing to host an event. It's very easy, and even fun! You simply stand (or sit) in a designated part of the cinema foyer, greet group members as they arrive, and collect the $2 coin. It's that easy!


Here's a list (below) of just some of the movies, with weblinks to previews. Please let me know if you might be able to help. You can choose the cinema, date, and time that suits you. I'll be SO grateful!


Believe it or not, this is just a small sample of exciting films about to be released. I'll send another email on the weekend with a list of many other titles, including a season of "Flashbacks" of Golden Oldies.


I hope to hear from many of you! Thanks so much if you're able to help!


Best wishes!





"The Best Offer" -

"The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones" -

"Upstream Color" -

"Elysium" -

"Sleeping Beauty: A Gothic Romance" -

"Blue Jasmine" -

"Robbie Williams: Take The Crown Tour 2013" -

"Lovelace" -

"Stories We Tell" -

"Rush" -

"Diana" -

"Stoker" -

"What Maisie Knew" -

"The Rocket" -

"Red Obsession" -

"The Bling Ring" -

"I Am a Girl" -

"Mood Indigo" -

"The Sunny Boy" -

"I'm So Excited" -

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