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UPDATE! - Sunday Morning Movie - "DIANA" starring Naomi Watts - Cineplex Balmoral

From: AJ
Sent on: Sunday, 27 October 2013, 5:39 am

MOVIE - "DIANA" starring Naomi Watts

CINEMA - CINEPLEX BALMORAL (Meet in cinema coffee shop)

DATE/TIME - Sunday, 3rd November 2013 at 10:15am (for 10:40am session)



GENRE - Drama, Romance

STORYLINE - Celebrated and adored by millions, Princess Diana was the Queen of people's hearts, yet the bittersweet story of the last man to truly capture hers has never before been told.

Princess Diana (double Academy Award® nominee Naomi Watts), at one time the most famous woman in the world, inspired a nation with her generosity, compassion and kindness - and in her final years she would meet the man who, in turn, inspired her.

When Diana met Doctor Hasnat Khan (Naveen Andrews), she found someone who could see beyond the exterior, to the vulnerable and complex woman underneath.

An incredible source of strength to her, it was during this relationship that Diana accomplished some of her most rewarding and successful humanitarian work. As Diana fell in love with Dr Khan, she didn't just feel like a Princess - but like the woman she truly was. In a story that until now has remained untold, DIANA introduces a time in the Princess's life that was uniquely important in shaping her final years, fulfilling her search for true happiness and sealing her legacy.