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HD 720p video (& presentation slides) of Percona Expert Morgan Tocker presenting MySQL Performance Tuning & 3rd Party Patches to the NYC MySQL Group at Sun Microsystems

From: Eric David B.
Sent on: Monday, 9 November 2009, 5:46 am

Morgan Tocker is Director of Training at Percona where he provides world famous scaling advice to Web 2.0 and Fortune 100 clients. He is a regular presenter on PHP and MySQL, having spoken at conferences such as PHP Quebec, the MySQL Conference, PHP-Tek, PHP-works and International PHP Conference.

Prior to Percona, Morgan worked at MySQL AB (acquired by Sun Microsystems) as a Support Engineer and Technical Instructor teaching courses in Database Administration, High Availability and Performance Tuning.

HD720p video (24fps)

Please share with others the knowledge gained from this exceptional presentation by Tweeting about this video on Twitter (click-> ), posting to your Facebook profile: and sharing on LinkedIn:

Some of the topics that Morgan tackles are:

  • Discovering performance bottlenecks
  • Optimization vs. adding hardware
  • Tuning InnoDB/XtraDB indexes
  • MySQL caching and configuration
  • How to analyze what MySQL is doing under the hood of each query
  • MySQL 3rd Party Patches
  • Finding dead-indexes

Some of the topics covered in Q&A are:

  • MySQL forks and branches
  • Future InnoDB inhancements
  • Statistics generation
  • MySQL vs. MS SQL Server
  • Administration tools for MySQL
  • Dual-Master replication and update patching
  • Real-world high-availability plans

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