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Re: [gctechspace] Paypal Woes

From: Haydn B.
Sent on: Tuesday, 1 January 2013, 10:04 am
Take the matter to Dept Fair Trading.
They have tackled PalPal in the past and WON. Especially on the ID problem.
They MUST follow AUD rules not USA rules. They also get fined each time DFT get a complaint.


On 1/01/2013 9:13 AM, David Tangye wrote:
I have the same problem with Paypal. I had to submit a small number of document to prove my ID. I only had about 2 possible docs: passport (now expired) and drivers license. My problem went something like this:

One doc was submitted as proof of ID. Then I realised I needed to swap the other in as proof of ID, so the first could be used as proof of address. Paypal WILL NOT APPROVE THE SWAP!!, so I cannot be verified. I tried unsuccessfully to reason with them. I should have known better than to try. I need to keep the Paypal balance below a certain amount, which they will not disclose, else the account will be frozen. I am stuck with their stupid rules.

I would love to use an alternative to Paypal, but they seem to have the monopoly in their space at present.

On Tue, Jan 1, 2013 at 8:06 AM, Steve Dalton <[address removed]> wrote:
Hi All

We continue to have a lot of problems with our paypal account - it's frozen and they are asking for so much documentation to unfreeze (currently the tally is 10 different printed and scanned documents along with ID and other things). They then reject documents without any reason. Combined with not replying to any emails this makes it pretty much impossible to use them and I think it is going to take us a while to unfreeze.

Can everyone please pay their fees by direct debit this month using the following bank information:

Bank: Bendigo Southport
Account Number:[masked]
Account Name: Gold Coast Tech Space
Reference: your surname

I will certainly be looking for alternatives to Paypal after this experience and I would encourage others to do the same. is the new guy on the block in Australia and finally looks like there might be someone to give Paypal some competition.... I wish them all the best!

Thanks for your understanding on this. FYI payments are now due on 1st of the month to keep our bookkeeping and membership tracking simple.


Steve Dalton, President & Co-Founder
Gold Coast Tech Space
Shop 4, 21 Nind St, Southport, Q 4215

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