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Thanksgiving, Football, Chris-Hana-Kwanz & New Years

From: Jules
Sent on: Saturday, 28 November 2009, 7:35 am
G'Day y'all!

In true Aussie-style, the Thanksgiving picnic was a rousing success! Thanks to everyone who turned up, cooked over a hot stove, and especially those who wrangled turkeys, desserts, spoons and BBQs on the day (you know who you are!) We even had a local possum turn up to scarf our leftovers!

Couple takeaways for me...make sure everyone has my phone number and MORE SIGNS!

Feel free to post photos of the event.

And if you missed it or you like it....

Christmas Day
Many of you are away from family and friends, so celebrating with friendly strangers may just be the way to go! There are BBQs all over Sydney Parks where folks can gather, socialise and enjoy the sunshine.

If you're willing to be the first one there and "host" let me know. I can help you organize, but I will be in the frigid North!

New Year's Eve
Unfortunately, I will also miss this event. But if it's your first in Sydney, you will not want to be disappointed!
A couple of hints: Do not go to Circular Quay! There is no alcohol allowed and the crowds are insane. Shop for a vantage point in advance and go early in the day. Set yourself up with a picnic & as much alcohol as you think you will need. The areas around the Harbour are restricted in access, so get the newspaper, check with the councils and plan ahead.

You might be thinking about a cruise? Prepare to shell out $[masked] per person!

Better yet. Why not plan on a picnic with the Meetup group? Again, I can help you organize, all you have to do is be the first one with the blanket.

And don't forget Touch Football on 13 December!

The Sydney Expat American Meetup Group
