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Important, Sydney Oracle Meetup - IAOUG (Independent Australian Oracle Users Group) OTN Day Survey

From: Francisco Munoz A.
Sent on: Wednesday, 22 June 2016, 4:57 pm

Dear Sydney Oracle meetup member,

We are currently working in the organization of this year OTN Day that like last year will be once again part of the APAC OTN tour, and will allow us to interact with many well known names in the market (from Oracle ACE Directors to Oracle celebrities).

Please help us to organize the best event possible by answering the 2 minutes survey bellow: 

Thank you so much in advance for your help and support as always!


Francisco Munoz Alvarez

Vice President Asia Pacific

Pythian - Love your data | Twitter: @fcomunoz | Linkedin/franciscomunozalvarez

Tel: +61 [masked] Ext. 1539 (Australia) 

Tel: [masked] Ext. 1539 (Canada)

Mobile: [masked] (New Zealand)

             [masked] (Australia)

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