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WordCamp San Francisco Viewing Party

From: WordPress
Sent on: Friday, 17 October 2014, 6:54 pm

WordCamp San Francisco, the annual conference of the WordPress project, is coming up at the end of this month. Wouldn’t it be fun for your meetup group to get together and watch the livestream together? Kind of a WCSFx?

For meetups on the chapter program that wish to hold a viewing party, we will provide free livestream access and will pay for a venue if a donated one cannot be found. You’ll need two rooms so that both tracks can be streamed simultaneously, just like at WCSF. We will not cover refreshments or other incidental costs. You can either have people bring a lunch (recommended) or you can ask a local sponsor to pitch in and provide food.

If you want to organize a viewing party, let us know so we can set you up with an access code by leaving a comment at . If we will need to pay for a venue, it will need to be approved per, so fill in that form as soon as possible.

It’s a good idea to have a few people organize the viewing party together, just so no one winds up with too much to do.

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