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Seeking developer for freelance or full time

From: Matthew T.
Sent on: Friday, 31 October 2014, 11:36 am
Hi WordPressers!

My company, ZeroFOX, a cyber-security company in Baltimore, is looking for another developer to help us modernize our website.

This is a 2-4 week project requiring 25-40 hours/week, depending on final design comps and your skill set. If we are a match for each other, this position can transition to full-time direct employment. 

You'll need to have an intermediate knowledge of: WordPress core, PHP, and semantic html. You will also need to know how to compile SaSS into CSS. Experience with CodeKit and a deep knowledge of WordPress core are a plus.

In this modernization you will be working primarily with meta fields and template hooks, as well as media and attachments inside our existing custom WordPress theme.

For more information please contact me directly at [address removed].

- Matt Taylor
Interactivity Developer at ZeroFOX

ZeroFOX, The Social Risk Management Company™, enables organizations to identify, manage, and mitigate the information security risks associated with employee and corporate social media usage. From targeted social-based cyber attacks to fraud, phishing, social engineering and executive impersonations, ZeroFOX provides real-time risk management, threat intelligence and security analytics.

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