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Really need admins....

From: user 2.
Sent on: Sunday, April 19, 2009, 6:21 PM
Hi everyone,

This group has grown from 4 people to 300 in less than a year and I really enjoy the group and the events. Currently, I am starting a company and am exceptionally busy. Some nights I am up until 2am and it is difficult for me to manage the Meetup group and I really need some help.

2 hours a month! It does not take much time and if you have 2 hours a month to spare to help manage some events you will enjoy it and be helping in a big way. Here are my thoughts:

3 regular admins:

Coordinator 1 - Kayaking, biking, hiking mostly from Fletchers Boat House and / or local. Perhaps a few that are more adventuresome later in the Summer.

Coordinator 2 - Happy hour and events in DC

Coordinator 3 - Happy hour and events in Northern Virginia

If you can help please send me a note to: [address removed] so that I can set you up as an administrator. You will be given access to the easy to use tools when you login to the Meetup the next time.

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