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Crafting Meetup on the West Side today.

From: Robert
Sent on: Saturday, November 6, 2010, 7:13 AM
Announcing a new Meetup for The Phoenix Faeries Meetup Group!

What: Westside Goblin Market Meet

When: Saturday, November 6,[masked]:00 PM

Where: Robert & Drea's Place
Thunderbird and Dysart
El Mirage, AZ 85335

There is going to be some hardcore crafting going on the west side today. East side tomorrow.

New members, this would be a good opportunity to meet with the organizer.

If you have a portable sewing machine, bring it for working on clothing canopies. Otherwise we are working on bead curtains and the walls to the cage stage for our Goblin Market at the Phoenix Faerie Festival.

The youngest member of the group will be there (just over one month old) if you would like to meet her.

Dinner is provided, but if you want anything special to drink, bring it.

Give me a call at[masked] for the exact address.

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