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Pizza Flight on Saturday

From: Oli S.
Sent on: Tuesday, February 12, 2013, 9:37 PM

Hi all, 'Flight' won the vote so lets see it on Saturday 16th, with a meal at Pizza Express beforehand. The film's not until 9:40pm (ends 12:20am), sorry no better timed showings of it.

Meet up AT THE CINEMA at 7pm and we'll go to the restaurant then on to the film. If you're coming to the film and not the meal, get in contact with me.


If you're coming to the film and want me to get a ticket for you so we're all sitting together, there are THREE ways you can pay for a ticket (before the end of Friday):

* Bank transfer £8.00 to me (ask if you don’t have my account details)

* If your PayPal account is linked to your bank account (NOT your credit card) you can make a PayPal ‘personal transfer’ of £8.00 to me with no extra fee to pay – mail me for details

* Click the payment button above to pay £8.50 to me by PayPal (includes 50p PayPal charge).


£8 is the special Film Fans ticket rate – the ticket will cost you £9 at the box office (but speak to me if you want to buy your own ticket before the film at the Film Fans rate).


If you're coming to both the meal and the film, please RSVP for both. See other meetups for meal details. If you're not coming to the meal, let me know so we can co-ordinate meeting up.


Seeya Saturday,


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