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Give it an Unchained Flight

From: Oli S.
Sent on: Wednesday, February 6, 2013, 1:08 PM

Hi all - I've listed 3 films for possible watching on Saturday 16th February. All will be cancelled except one, we'll watch the one with the most RSVP votes. Please RSVP for more than one - whatever you'd like to see. We'll see the one which wins the vote!

Films are:

  • Flight
  • I Give it a Year
  • Django Unchained (possible this might not be on by 16th as it's been showing for a while)

And we'll eat beforehand at Pizza Express.

See the meetups on the website and RSVP there. Don't forget to click 'more meetups' at the bottom of the meetup list since it usually only shows the first 5 which might exclude a film.

You might be in credit for a film ticket if you didn't make it to the last one, but don't worry about that for the moment - next Tuesday we'll settle on a film then I'll let people pay for tickets and then you can let me know if you want to spend your credit.

Seeya then,


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