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"Murakami Music" November 1

From: Karen D
Sent on: Wednesday, October 15, 2014, 8:56 PM

Dear book group members,

I was recently contacted by Takashi Ikezawa, president of a Japanese cultural center, RESOBOX in Queens.

The center’s next show was created by two female actors and inspired by the books of Haruki Murakami, including Norwegian Wood, which was a book group selection earlier this year.

Here are the details:
"Murakami Music" at The Baruch Performing Arts Center (55 Lexington Ave at 25th Street)
November 1, 8 p.m.

Pianist Eunbi Kim and actress Laura Yumi Snell in celebration of writer Haruki Murakami with theatrical readings of his work accompanied by both classical and contemporary piano pieces. For more information, please visit at: or

There is a group discount for advance sales:
1-10 people: $20 per person
11-30: $18
31-50: $16
51- : $14

If you are interested in attending, contact me and we can buy tickets as a group. (Actually I am not sure if I will go or not as my calendar for that date is uncertain.)

Of course, feel free to pass this information along to other book groups or Murakami fans.

Karen, Forest Hills Book Group organizer

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