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Jamaica Center Reading Series fall dates

From: Karen D
Sent on: Tuesday, September 30, 2014, 3:04 PM

Hello everyone, I'm sharing information about a reading series in Jamaica that I was contacted about, in case you or anyone you know is interested. See below.

The Jamaica Center Reading Series
An author reading and poetry event

Jamaica Market – Harvest Room
[masked]th Street
Jamaica, NY 11365
October 9th – Scott Cheshire
October 16th – Morowa Yejide
October 23rd – (Poetry) Hafizah Geter,
Rich Villar, & Retha Powers

The Tabernacle of Prayer
(The former Loew's Valencia Theater)
165-11 Jamaica Avenue,
Jamaica, NY11432
October 30th – (Childrens night) Angela Dominguez,
Thyra Heder, & Allison Gutknecht

Jean Star
166-16 Jamaica Avenue
November 6th – Mitchell Jackson

Raymour & Flanigan
168-53 Jamaica Avenue
November 13th – Bridgett M. Davis
November 20th – Tejas Desai
December 4th – Emily St. John
December 11th – Mira Jacob

December 18th – (Poetry) Samantha Inniss,
Tonya Ingram, Venessa Marco

The Jamaica Center Business Improvement District (BID) is proud to present the 1st annual Jamaica Center Reading Series. The event will take place every Thursday starting October 9th at 6:30pm and will end on December 18th, 2014. The ten day reading series will provide an opportunity for local writers, readers, poets, and residents to participate in a community event that showcases New York City’s established and emerging authors and poets as well as a platform to address the literacy issues in the community.


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