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A Friend Nearby

From: Michelle M.
Sent on: Sunday, August 19, 2007, 4:16 PM

A Friend Nearby

Members ,

We are going to start a list here on the board of members locations for there maybe a member on the list that lives or works near by that you can try to build a friendship.

We will never list the exact street addresses or names of companies we work only a cross street to give a more define location where we might be.

As far as home's we only list city in New York and Boro.

If you find a member or two , close to you shout that person out to send you thier direct e-mail.

And that is how it will begin?

Is everyone Game?

Lets Begin........................

Example of what should submitted:

Jane Doe
14TH & 6TH : Office Cross Street
Brooklyn , NY : Home