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THANKS TO ALL OF YOU!! The Red Party was a TON of fun!

From: Fena D.
Sent on: Sunday, February 14, 2010, 1:10 PM
Dear friends,

Wow...what a party!!! I want to thank each and every one of you that attended! YOU made this party sooooo much fun!!!

Brian, Buzzy, Gayle, Paule and I...we can make all the plans, order the food, arrange the music, decorate, do ice all the work to make a party happen but it is YOU who makes the parties a success. So...THANK YOU. It was worth the work and effort. All evening we kept looking around the room, watching people laugh, talk, eat and dance and having so much fun! THAT is the reason that we do what we do. That is the pay off. To know that our efforts were enjoyed is worth every bit of work that we do running around all night long.

Party InK has so many fun things planned for the remainder of the winter AND we are already working on some FUN different things for the spring and summer!


Mardi Gras

THE Pajama Party complete with the LARGEST singles Pillow fight in history (bring a pillow!)

Sink or Swim Summer Canoe Trip-An all day event down the river! Water fights!! Cookout at noon.

The Memorial Day Cookout-Family Event. Kids, dogs and family welcome! Spoon races, water baloon fights, cream pie fights, sack races, bocce ball, horse shoes....coolers of food and drink....and so much more!

Multi-group bike ride in Busse Woods. Then off to the outside patio at Alumni Club for a buffet and drinkies!

Jeans, shorts and T's outside dance party! CASUAL!!! This will be held on the outside patio. (not telling you where just yet!) Burgers, Brats and Beers!

All kinds of things we are working on!!!

By combining groups and working together we are able to bring you these events. Other organizers are welcome to join us! The more the merrier! So if you are a member of another group and you would like to extend the invite to that organizer or friends, please feel free to do so! We all want to meet new people.

Again...thanks to all of you. YOU are great to party with! I enjoyed all the hugs from you all last night!


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