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A Free Cruise To Alaska For You A Free Room At FC For Me

From: Da'alrakken AKA Reo Gray F.
Sent on: Monday, October 24, 2011, 9:29 PM
I tried to send this earlier and it did not seen to go through. Please forgive the double post if this pops up later


No joke, no fooling. You heard right. A free 7 day cruise to Alaska.


I want to attend FC for the very first time. The issue is the lack of
hotel money. During the summer, I work as "Ship's Naturalist" for
Princess Cruises on their cruise ships in Alaska. I have the ability to
have guests on the ship for the full 7 day Alaska cruise ...for free!
But, only one guest per cruise.

What I propose is that you allow me a place to crash, at no charge, for
the full con. That would mean the nights of the 12, 13, 14, 15 AND 16.
It MUST include the night of the 16th. I do not want to have to leave
the very same day the con ends. In the case of multiple furs in a room,
the offer would go to the person the room is registered to. If the room
"owner" wants to give the cruise to a roomie, I am OK with that. I am a
fursuiter and being with another fursuiter would be ideal.

Now, for the Alaska cruise part of this. Once again... PLEASE LISTEN

You would have to be responsible for getting yourself to and from the
ship itself. The ship departs from Seattle. You would have to stay with
me, in my cabin. This is a part of the contract that my company has with
Princess and I cannot change that. I cannot tell you exactly what the
cabin will be like. I myself do not know. Everything depends on where
they place me. Sometimes it is a nice and cushy passenger cabin,
sometimes it is an "Officer's Cabin" in a crew area. No, not the lower
deacks or anything silly like that. Sometimes I get an "outside cabin"
with a window and sometimes I get an "inside cabin" where there is no
window at all. You are also required to have a valid passport.

Next, since I am considered a guest lecturer, I have "passenger status".
As my guest, you are also classified as a passenger and you have ALL the
benefits any other passenger has.
You do what you like, go where you
wish, do what you want, just as any other passenger would. Shows, gym
use, pools, dining rooms, the food, the entertainment, the works! ...the
ship is yours! There is one more thing you must be made aware of...
tips! There are "hotel charges" of about $12 a day that would be for
things like the cabin steward, dining room staff and the like. This
would be your responsibility. The only other thing you would be
responsible for would be drinks. I do mean sodas, espresso coffees and
or alcohol. Items in the ship's stores and shops or salon services are
also your responsibility. There are two "specialty restaurants" on the
ship where they have very, very high end dinners...but, the cover charge
is only $20. The regular formal dining room, where food is still
extraordinary, the buffet, Atrium cafe... is all free and unlimited.

Then, there is Alaska itself. The ship is the STAR PRINCESS. This is the
link to Princess' site for the very ship and cruise you would be on. The
dates of the cruise would be up to you...

I have been working on these ships for almost 2 decades. I know this
place pretty well. I can show you all my little special places, favorite
hikes and trails if you are into that. I can show you around the cities
if you wish. There are tours available on the ship and from independent
tour operators on shore. None of which would be free...that could
change. It all depends on the tour manager on the ship. There are times
I can get free tours for both me and my guest. Again, that is never a
sure thing but, it just might be possible. I cannot guarantee it.

About the weather, May and June are the better months to be up there.
The further into the summer the wetter it gets! Alaska's weather is a
mixed bag at best. It gets very changeable, very suddenly

So, there you have it. I get crash space for the full con at FC and you
get a 7 day cruise to Alaska valued (depending on the time of the
season) from $800 to $1000. Any questions you may have, ask. If you are
seriously considering this ... E-MAIL ME DIRECTLY...DO NOT CONTINUALLY

Da'alrakken / Reo GrayFox

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