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Lakeview Action Coalition Barriers to Health Care Survey/Needs Assessment

From: user 3.
Sent on: Thursday, August 12, 2010, 8:02 AM

This summer, teh Lakeview Action Coalition (LAC) is distributing a survey to assess teh health care needs of the Lakeview and Uptown communities. In the fall will be conducting focus groups.

If you are 18-years-old or older, uninsured or underinsured, on Medicaid, Medicare, we want to hear from you!

A link to the survey can be found at

The Lakeview Action Coalition (LAC) (of which aChurch4Me? MCC is a member), along with graduate nursing students at DePaul University, is working to identify barriers to healthcare in the Lakeview and Uptown neighborhoods.

The survey will take approximately 10 minutes and the direct link is:

Paper copies of the survey are also available at aChurch4Me? MCC.
This information will help create change in your community. Be a part of the solution!

If you want to know more about this campaign, hannah from the Lakeview Action Coalition will be at worship August 8th or contact Hannah at[masked] x387.

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